Friday, 13 July 2012

I have the will. Now I just need the power!

Last night was another crazy night in the McHousehold.  Actually, every night is crazy around here, but last night was crazy-tastic!  It was the second night in a row of baseball and night 3 for the week.  Does that even make sense?  See what happens when I spend too much time at the ball diamond?  I loose my ability to string words into any kind of intelligible order!  Oh well, hopefully you get the gist!
Typically these nights consist of me avoiding making dinner until the last possible second and then realizing that we don't actually have time to eat before we fly out the door.  How, you may ask, is it possible that I cannot find enough hours in the day/week to be prepared for dinner on a night when I know it's going to be crazy in our house when I'm a stay-at-home-mom?  Meh, it's just a talent I have!  It comes naturally, don't even have to work at it!  This week has been different though.  We have eaten before baseball, every single night this week, all thanks to my handy, dandy meal plan and my attempt to get our life scheduled again!
So, the plan for last night was to make something that everyone in my house would eat without complaint.  Homemade mac & cheese.  I've tried multiple times to make healthy versions of one of the world's best comfort foods, but it's never really worked out.  Whole wheat or rice pastas seem to make it crunchy and dense.  Low fat cheese separates and makes it kind of watery and skim milk doesn't give the cheese sauce enough richness to actually stick to the noodles.  So, I went all out last night on this batch.  There was nothing healthy about it - well, other than the fact that it wasn't jam packed with preservatives and weird coloured, processed cheeses!
As I stood at the stove chatting with my bestie on the phone, making the cheese sauce and talking about carb daily allotments, I told her I was making mac & cheese for the kids and that I had a big, crunchy salad waiting in the fridge for myself.  She groaned, said I was mean and then told me that there was no way she could make it and not eat it.  Here's the thing with me though.  I actually really enjoy cooking and baking.  I enjoy making things for other people to enjoy.  So, with that in mind, I specifically made something last night that I knew everyone in my house would eat that I could also share with Charlie's kids because they too had baseball last night, but she is a very hard working, not-stay-at-home-mom which means her family usually eats after they get home from the game.   I figured it was a win-win (oh and we did win, btw) situation!  My kids ate, her kids ate and hopefully she had a peaceful dinner with her husband once her kids were in bed!
Turns out Charlie has all of the Eat-Clean books so I'm stealing them from her to make my meal plan for next week.  My husband is out of town for the week so there will be a sushi night with the bestie (thank goodness my kids have finally gotten on board with Japanese fare - even if it is only for the edamame and ginger ice cream!)  I'm hoping to try out a couple of great new recipes next week and hitting the local Farmer's Market while the boys are at camp!
If you will excuse me now, I have to go find He-Man and steal his power!  Oh, and I leave you with this, just 'cause!


  1. Only 1 more sleep until sushi!!!!

    1. One more sleep until sushi and 24 hrs to run enough that it doesn't put me back into the 190's!! lol!


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